One Knit at a Time

Knitting is the new meditation.
Guest Poetry Spiritual

Ode to Medknitation

Here we go, once again,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Wrap it once and once again,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Cast it on and watch it go,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Start direction, it’s your show. When you start to knit the stitch,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Feel it rise and scratch that itch,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Knit and purl together till,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Mind and breath’s in sync and still. Every project that you take,Clickety-click, clickety-click,Scarf […]


Creativity in the Time of OCD

Hello there! For those uninitiated in psych jargon, OCD expands to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. People with OCD tend to have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions). Before I say anything further, let me tell you that OCD is a disorder that needs to be taken […]


Say Om, say Medknitation

As you all know, I took a day off from Project Cowl yesterday. I did some lawyering (yes I still do that!), some knitting and a whole lot of Medknitation. I know you think that I just made up that word – since I made up ‘yarn-o-holic’- however, there is such a thing in reality […]